mayo: otro mes que casi se nos escapa sin hacernos un retrato familiar. al final aprovechamos un día que subimos al campo de M a ver los progresos de su huerta e hicimos unas cuantas fotografías. era mediodía así que el sol no es el más favorecedor pero me valen (al menos salimos los tres juntos!).
por cierto que en la huerta ya tenemos pepinos, cebollas tiernas, ajos y pimientos, y dentro de poco estarán listos también los tomates, calabacines, lechugas, berenjenas... todo cultivado por M y su padre, totalmente ecológico!
may: another month that almost went by without any family pictures. but at the end of the month we went to the countryside, to see the progress in M's garden, and we took the opportunity to take some photographs. it was midday so the sunlight was not very flattering, but i will take it (at least it's the three of us together!).
by the way, in the garden we already have cucumbers, spring onions, garlic and green peppers, and soon there will be tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, aubergines... everything cultivated by M and his father, totally organic!
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