"me encanta mirarlo mientras duerme, tan tranquilo, tan feliz"
de la semana pasada me inspiran estos retratos no convencionales, estos no-retratos, que transmiten mucho de la esencia de los retratados, aunque no veamos su cara: este pequeño que no para; amor por la danza y una gran fuerza en un cuerpo muy chiquitito; la personalidad reflejada en el vestir y la dulzura emanada incluso al dormir.
"i love to watch him sleep, so peaceful, so happy"
last week i felt inspired by some unportraits, that show a lot of the subjects' essence, although their face is not shown: this little guy who never wants to sit still; a love for dancing and a big strength in a tiny body; personality reflected in clothing and sweetness all over, even when sleeping.
"i love to watch him sleep, so peaceful, so happy"
last week i felt inspired by some unportraits, that show a lot of the subjects' essence, although their face is not shown: this little guy who never wants to sit still; a love for dancing and a big strength in a tiny body; personality reflected in clothing and sweetness all over, even when sleeping.
there is nothing like a sleeping babe...takes my breathe away... love this photo!
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