"cogerse los pies parece ser muy entretenido"
un poco tarde pero he publicado el retrato semanal! los preparativos del regalo del día del padre han tenido la culpa del retraso (no es que fuera para tanto pero con un bebé todo me lleva más tiempo del que calculaba). y en cuanto a mi retrato favorito de la semana pasada, es muy oportuno para hoy, que es el día del padre: ashley de the stork and the beanstalk está dedicando el proyecto a su marido, y esta foto de él con su pequeño van es preciosa.
feliz día del padre, M !!!
"to hold one's feet seems to be very amusing"
a little late but i finally published the weekly portrait. father's day present preparations were guilty of that delay (it wasn't really that complicated but with a baby everything takes longer than i expected). my favorite portrait from last week is very appropiate for today, because today is father's day in spain: ashley from the stork and the beanstalk is dedicating the 52 project to her husband, and this photo of him with their little van is just beatiful.
happy father's day, M !!!
hola - yo no hablo español...
ResponderEliminar...but I thought I would comment anyway. I love this photo, baby hands and feet are so gorgeous :)
thank you! i'm happy you decided to comment, and that you like my photo. :)
Eliminari'm thinking about making this blog bilingual since some of you visit from che and fidel and mostly speak english, so come back if you like it, i´ll try not to make many mistakes when i write in english! ;)
wow, that would be impressive!
Eliminari wouldn't worry about mistakes - it would save me from running your text through a translator :)
done! this blog is bilingual now. thanks for your encouragement!